Paragraph - The life of a farmer - 300 words | TmA


A farmer is a person who cultivates land and grows crops. He leads a very poor and marginal life. He works hard in the field to prepare the land, sow seeds, and take care of the plants till those are abandoned with bumper crops. But he couldn’t earn much from farming as most of the farmers don’t have their land to cultivate.

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A farmer gets up in the early morning and goes to his field. Many of them do not have modern equipment for farming like tractors, seeding machines, or harvesting devices. So, he has to work hard from morning till evening for a good harvest. Nonstop Manual hardship makes the farmer sick.

Moreover, natural calamities like floods, droughts, and cyclones come as a curse to them. Though the season of rain is the season of blessings for a farmer, sometimes excess rainfall causes floods. It damages the golden crops of the field. On the other hand, He could hardly manage fertiliser or pesticide for the crops. As a result, he has to deal with many problems all year round to bring out a good harvest. He is born poor. Sometimes he takes loans from the money lenders. If he cannot repay the loan; he sells the piece of land. In our society, a farmer is meant to belong to the lower class. But in reality, an ideal farmer is an asset to the country. He contributes a lot to the economy of the country. The economy of a country depends on the growth of food and agriculture of a country. So, farmers are the most important people in a country. He never improves their condition by farming.

To ensure agricultural development, the government should pay attention to the improvement of the condition of the farmers. If the farmers are provided appropriate teaching on farming methods and modern farming equipment, they contribute a lot to the country’s economy.

আরো পড়ুন : 

১। জন্মদিন পালনে ইসলাম কী বলে?

২। ঈদে মিলাদুন্নবী নিয়ে যা জানতেই হবে

৩। স্বপ্নে কী এমন ভয়ংকর শাস্তি দেখেছিলেন রাসূল (সা.)? 

৪। সালামের সঠিক নিয়ম না জেনে গুনাহ করছেন?

৫। ফেসবুকে মেয়েদের ছবি দেখার আগে সাবধান